It is time to present the bill!

On 18th November 1996 a national assembly was held in Rome of all the shop stewards from the various UPS branches, together with the regional and national bodies of CGIL and CISL (two of the main Trade Union Confederations).

The items on the agenda were:

1) General prospects for UPS for the next few years;

2) Drafting of demands based on the needs of the workers, for a company collective bargaining agreement.

On the first point on the agenda, we expressed our disapproval of the company’s unwillingness to guarantee its activities and jobs for the forthcoming period.

This disapproval was expressed by the Milan workers in a resolution inviting the company to reopen negotiations. (see below).

* We also expressed our disapproval of certain restructuring measures, such as at

Vimodrone: due to certain limits in our National Collective Bargaining Agreement on the question of transfers we were able to win very little. Furthermore the company refused even to sign minutes of the meeting! The company does as it pleases in terms of holidays, breaks, national holidays (feast days), bonuses...


The programme of demands listed here is intended as a draft to be further developed, discussed and changed, if necessary, by the workers.

The national leadership of the Unions are of the opinion that this draft is “an interesting starting point”.

There is still a point that has to be defined: the level of wage increases. This is due to the fact that the 1992-93 national labour agreements subordinated wage increases to the financial situation of the company, presented by the company itself. Because we have no control over these figures we contest the ‘92-’93 agreements.

We have proposed to put forward demands for wage increases based on the levels in other companies of the same sector: an average increase of 1,500,000-2,000,000 lira ($920-1,230) gross per year, with an increase in the basic wage and a reduction in variables.






Our aims in developing this draft programme are to:

1) develop and consolidate a more advanced set of rules, accepted by both sides, which should be respected in any organisational changes in the works process of the company;

2) define and experiment more advanced forms for governing such processes through bilateral agreements between the two sides;

3) define the channels through which conditions, work set-up, and individual performance are to be evaluated;

4) define, according to the 1992-93 national labour agreements, wage levels favourable to the workers, on the basis of increased productivity targets.


1) WORKERS’ SKILLS, with particular attention to training. The development of new and more advanced operating and computer technology, new works procedures, and an ever more flexible organisation of the work itself means that the development new skills and re-training are the key to increasing the level of competition of UPS towards other companies. Faced with this situation we demand the right to retraining as a means of improving the quality of labour and of providing the workers with new skills so that the company no longer has to call in outside personnel. Thus the basic guidelines, the aims and training schemes should be developed through common agreement.


2) SICK PAY. Accepting what is stated in article 28.8, the company will give prior written warning to the employee should the period of sick leave covered at 100% of normal wage levels expire (as stated in the National Collective Bargaining Agreement) and come to an agreement with the employee on the means and the number of instalments by which the deductions shall be carried out. Furthermore we demand that a solidarity fund be set up, made up of 1% of the employee’s wage level, 0.25 of which paid by the employee and 0.75 paid by the employer. This fund will go to integrate:

A) the period of sick leave paid at 50%, topping it up to 100% of normal pay;

B) if the period of sick leave should be longer, the above mentioned integration would become 2.5 months wage compensation prior to the 6 month sick leave without pay as stated in article 28.9.

Should this fund be partly or fully unused, the remaining capital, accumulated annually, will be allocated to associations to be decided in common agreement between the company and the shop stewards’ committee. This agreement will remain valid until a new agreement is reached on this question in the national integration fund.


3) OVERTIME. Part-time will become full-time in those departments where the overall number of part-time hours (overtime hours + supplementary hours + extra hours due to the transformation of part-time into full-time) worked reaches an annual figure at the level of full-time. Where this should prove to be impossible then the company should proceed to take on further part-time workers, giving precedence to employees on temporary contracts.


4) AUDIT. Those employees with at least two years’ service will no longer be liable to productivity checks, except in those cases where there is a fully documented substantial change in the works procedure.


5) EVALUATION FILES. We restate that the use of these evaluation files is exclusively for internal purposes, and that the employee in question and the shop stewards’ committee must have the right to consult them to check whether there has been any discrimination.


6) CANTEEN. The right to use the canteen should be extended to those employees who presently are unable to benefit (shift workers). As an alternative these employees should be given a restaurant ticket to the value of 7.000 lira ($4.30).


7) STUDENT WORK EXPERIENCE. Those students on work experience will be taken on on temporary contracts as apprentices.



Transfers within the same branch must be agreed with the shop stewards’ committee; and furthermore the company will take into consideration transfer applications from personnel from other departments.

Employees must receive information of any transfer in writing, where the duration of the transfer, if temporary, is to be stated together with the type of work involved. Transferred workers have the right to demand no change in their work timetable.



In order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, at the beginning of each year a written agreement will be signed stating how many hours of paid leave the shop stewards’ committee has the right to.

The shop stewards’ committee must have at its disposal a room for trade union activities. Furthermore notice boards must be set up in the canteen and near the check-in machine in the HUB department.



RESOLUTIONS voted by the workers of the Milan branch of UPS



The workers at the assembly of 7th and 8th November 1996

in this phase of the company level negotiations, as stated in article 45 of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement, delegates the shop stewards’ committees to develop, together with the workers in the individual branches, a list of demands for the company level negotiations, based on the following points:

1) greater control on the part of the workers of works procedure and organisation;

2) greater protection of employees and cooperative employees through the application of article 52 of the current National Collective Bargaining Agreement and the development of a National Collective Bargaining Agreement specifically for the sector;

3) wage increases that effectively share out a quota of profit increases and recover purchasing power lost over the years.

Therefore the workers invite the national and local Trade Union confederations to do everything in their power, in a period of growth for our sector, by developing together with the shop stewards’ committees (the only, and real, direct protagonists in the negotiations) a company level contract that defends the rights of the workers.



The workers at the assembly of 7th and 8th November 1996,

although aware of the increased turnover of the last few years, and of the large investments that are being made, express their worry for the future development of the company.

The unwillingness of the company to form a joint commission with the workers and their representatives to study together the present process of technological transformation, as well as the refusal on the part of the company to sign minutes of the meetings aimed at guaranteeing development and job security,

lead the workers to have further reason to worry about security.

Therefore, we invite the company to reopen negotiations and thus reassure the workers about the future.







After several meetings between Trade union reps and the drivers the following draft programme of demands was developed:


1) Vehicle waiting time:

vehicle waiting time (half a day) was paid 50,000 lira ($31); now however in order to guarantee an adequate compensation for expenses three different levels are proposed:

a) vans: 100,000 lira ($62)

b) small trucks: 120.000 lira ($74)

c) large trucks, over 35 quintals (3.5 tons).


2) Disciplinary measures:

all disciplinary measures to be agreed with the Drivers’ Committee, and is no longer to be at the exclusive discretion of the supervisors.


3) Fees increase:

Each year the Committee, together with the company, will agree on any necessary increase, to be based on ISTAT (National Statistics Institute) inflation figures.


4) State monopoly postal service tax:

Should this tax be reintroduced by the state it will be fully paid by the company


5) Vehicle wash:

cost will be fully covered by the company


6) Uniform:

Will be complete (clothing and shoes) and fully adapted to the season of the year (summer and winter) and the company will cover the full cost.


7) Compensation for the handling of money:

Compensation of 200,000 lira ($123,5) per month.


The individual drivers will be asked to adhere to, and promote, this programme of demands by signing it and adding any further demands they feel necessary. This is your programme of demands, and by adhering to it you will put your representatives in a position to know who they can count on.


Milan, 30th January, 1997

UPS drivers’ committee